Upgrade to Megrez2.5
Using user node as an example, providers are the same.
For user nodes, if there is important data stored in memo, please download it to the local hard disk first, otherwise the data will be lost.
1.Enter the node
docker exec -it mefs-user bash
2.Export the node sk and wallet address and save it
mefs-user wallet default
mefs-user wallet export 0xf830Eb3445E4c5dAf415f3284c8C50ff6670b3f0
3.stop the node and delete the node root directory, the default is .memo-user
1.Send the wallet address to us for topping up
2.Download the latest version of image
docker pull memoio/mefs-user:latest
Set up the environments for root directory and data directory
3.Regenerate the node root directory using sk
docker run --rm -v $MEFS_PATH:/root --entrypoint mefs-user memoio/mefs-user:latest init --sk= da3d7cab393218e5d4e3835f6651d815e0df46bb3c8d843fef23cc80c66a16ad --password=memoriae
4.Update the configuration file
docker run --rm -v $MEFS_PATH:/root --entrypoint mefs-user memoio/mefs-user:latest config set --key=contract.version --value=2
docker run --rm -v $MEFS_PATH:/root --entrypoint mefs-user memoio/mefs-user:latest config set --key=contract.endPoint --value="https:// testchain.metamemo.one:24
docker run --rm -v $MEFS_PATH:/root --entrypoint mefs-user memoio/mefs-user:latest bootstrap clear
docker run --rm -v $MEFS_PATH:/root --entrypoint mefs-user memoio/mefs-user:latest bootstrap add
5.Start the node
docker run -d --stop-timeout 30 -v $MEFS_PATH:/root -v $MEFS_DATA:/root/data -e PRICE=250000 -e PASSWORD="memoriae" -e GROUP=2 -e SWARM_PORT=4001 -e DATA_PATH=/root/data --name mefs-user memoio/mefs-user:latest
6.Wait for the synchronization til the status turns true
When participating as a provider node, you need to run the declare command (declare the public address), which is used to communicate between nodes.
Prepare your public ip + port, the demonstration is as below.
mefs-provider net declare /ip4/x.x.x.x/tcp/4001
Explanation of parameters.
suppose is your public ip
4001 is your public port, which corresponds to the port 4001 mapped when the node is started.