To get Memo Tokens for your wallet, you can transfer some Memo Tokens
from other wallet address which has enough Memo Tokens. The user needs minimum 1 Memo Tokens.
----------- Information -----------
2022-03-23 10:42:36 CST #Current time
2.1.0-alpha+git.e759ff0+2022-03-22.15:51:16CST #mefs-user version information
----------- Network Information ----------- #network information
ID: 12D3KooWBpPPzk9srHVVU4kkVF1RPJi9nYNgV4e6Yjjd4PGr5qrk #network id
IP: [/ip4/] #Current node network information, 18003 is the swarm-port port, used for node communication
Type: Private
----------- Sync Information -----------
Status: true, Slot: 322885, Time: 2022-03-23 10:42:30 CST #Please check if your sync status is true, if it is false, please check your node network
Height Synced: 2640, Remote: 2640 #sync status
Challenge Epoch: 21 2022-03-23 09:55:30 CST
----------- Role Information -----------
ID: 29
Type: User
Wallet: 0xD2EC305EA80C6FCEF315029A806f52F27f3fB29a #Wallet address
Balance: 998.25 Gwei (tx fee), 998815392.06 NanoMemo (Erc20), 148075.99 NanoMemo (in fs) #balance
Data Stored: size 115294208 byte (109.95 MiB), price 113500000
----------- Group Information -----------
Contract Address: 0xCa2C4103bd5679F43eC9E277C2bAf5598f94Fe6D
Fs Address: 0xFB9FF16EB4093aa8fFf762F2dF4E61d3A7532Af9
ID: 1 #group id
Security Level: 7
Size: 109.95 MiB
Price: 113500000
Keepers: 10, Providers: 16, Users: 4 #The number of nodes in the current group
----------- Pledge Information ----------
Pledge: 0 AttoMemo, 26.00 Memo (total pledge), 26.00 Memo (total in pool) #current pledge information
----------- Lfs Information ----------
Status: writable
Buckets: 1
Used: 1.82 GiB
Raw Size: 109.95 MiB
Confirmed Size: 109.95 MiB
OnChain Size: 109.95 MiB
Need Pay: 987173.29 NanoMemo
Paid: 987173.29 NanoMemo
Check net status
Get local node network information
Command description: Enter command net info to view the network id (cid), ip address and port of the current node.
mefs-user net info
Network ID 12D3KooWBpPPzk9srHVVU4kkVF1RPJi9nYNgV4e6Yjjd4PGr5qrk, IP [/ip4/], Type: Private
Get the network connection information of the node
Command description: Enter command net peers to view the network connection information of the current node.
Command description: Enter command net connect to connect to any node; if there is any problem with your node network, please enter command net connect to connect to our public node.
mefs-user net connect /ip4/10.2.x.x/tcp/8004/p2p/12D3KooWAykMmqu951ziotQiAYTN6SwfvBd1dsejSSak2jdSwryF
Restart after poweroff
If the account has been started, and then the computer has been shutted down, Docker, or "Windows PowerShell" was been closed, if you need to restart MEMO again, you need to open Docker first, then run the command line " docker start mefs-user" to start.